I kind of took a few weeks off from releasing anything to enjoy life while the enjoying was good. My youngest son came home for Christmas, then he and I spent a week with my Dad, brother and sister in Mobile for New Year’s – then all hell broke loose after I got home, LOL! Figures, right?? Everything’s been put right again, though, so it’s all good. I even adopted another dog over this past weekend 😀 The spring semester started back up yesterday as well, so I am back in the saddle this week, and I have a couple of new releases for you!

And if you’re already looking ahead to February projects, I’ve put up a set of CU broken hearts
Free with Purchase Offers

Berry Blends
Get this kit FREE with any $10 personal use purchase through January 31!
CU Sampler
Get this pack FREE with any $10 commercial use purchase through January 31!

January Scrap♥Bingo!
Complete at least two bingos to get our Chilled Breeze Challenge Prize kit FREE!
This semester, one of my classes deals with internships and portfolios, meaning some website work. Rather than trying to keep up with two separate dot com sites, I’ve found a solution that will simplify things for me while I work my way through this class. So, my digital scrapbooking site will be moving and jen-yurko.com will eventually no longer exist. I think it’s paid through June of this year, but it will have a notice up soon about the move.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you have a fantastic day!
::much love::