Blue42 Media Branding Project

Blue 42 Media is a fictional company created for a class logo design project based on the Red30 logo design class on LinkedIn


Blue 42 Media

• is based out of Los Angeles and been in business for about six months

• has 3-15 employees

• produces videos for the web

• has no tagline yet, but would like to have that option built in for later

The problem: the company is having a hard time getting public attention and keeping pace with technological advances, as well as working in a saturated market.

The competition includes other small media companies and more significant film and television production companies.

Mission statement: At Blue 42 Media, we blend engaging content with visual storytelling to produce commercial, educational, and documentary videos of the highest standard.

There are two types of audiences.

Audience #1: small to medium-sized corporate clients who want to use videos in-house to send their message to and engage employees

Audience #2: big-name networks looking for original programming


With the above brief in mind, I took to sketching out dozens of possibilities.


The company wants to branch out into original programming for companies like the Discovery Channel, which still producing video for smaller companies for the web and in-house use. Keeping this in mind, I was drawn to sketches that had a digital/robotic look.

Final Design

I chose this particular design because it is clean and straightforward yet has a bit of personality from the kinked antenna.

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